Article I: Purpose
The purpose of the CGSC is to represent chemistry graduate student rights, interests, and wellbeing on the department and institute level.
Article II: Membership
- Any member of the MIT community is eligible to become a member of this organization. One is considered a member of this organization in any given academic term if they have attended at least one club activity and three meetings in the preceding or current term, hosting a CGSC activity can be counted in the place of attending one meeting.
- Previous members of the organizations will lose membership status if they fail to meet the requirements listed above.
- The membership of this organization will at all times contain at least 5 MIT students and be more than half MIT students.
- This organization will not discriminate based on any characteristic listed in MIT’s Nondiscrimination Statement.
- This organization will not charge any monetary dues.
Article III: Officers and Representatives
This organization will have three officers:
- President
- The chair shall be the official representative of the group to any other organization and to MIT.
- The chair will preside over all meetings.
- The chair is responsible for determining when meetings are and publicizing this to the group.
- Per a separate vote of CGSC members, two individuals may serve as copresidents.
- The president(s) will attend the biannual student groups presidents meeting.
- The president(s) will attend the annual meeting with the departmental chair.
- Treasurer
- The treasurer shall be responsible for the finances of the group.
- The treasurer is required to approve all spending of the group.
- The treasurer prepares the group’s yearly budget for approval by CGSC members.
- Secretary
- The secretary will be responsible for documenting all meeting minutes.
- The secretary will distribute and count ballots for all votes. In the case of anonymous voting, the secretary ensures anonymity for all voters.
- The secretary maintains a list of members.
- The secretary is responsible for advertisement of CGSC events, including drafting emails and flyers.
- All officers of this organization must be distinct persons and MIT students.
This organization will have at least two elected representatives who are distinct from each other and the elected officers:
- CGSC will elect representatives to the Institute Graduate Student Council (GSC)
- The GSC representative(s) will attend the general body GSC meetings
- The GSC representative(s) will attend the ASA required meetings.
- They will be responsible for updating the CGSC members on these meetings
- They will be responsible for bringing CGSC issues to the GSC meetings.
- CGSC will elect representatives to the MIT Chemistry Quality of Life committee (QoL)
- The quality of life committee representative will attend all QoL monthly organizational meetings
- They will be responsible for providing an executive summary of these meetings or equivalent to the CGSC membership.
- They will be responsible for bringing CGSC issues to the QoL committee.
- Elections:
- Elections of officers shall occur during the June monthly meeting.
- Any member of this organization is eligible to run for office.
- Voting in absentia is allowed for elections of officers.
- Quorum for elections is two thirds of the group.
- Any member is elected if they win a majority of the voting members.
- If more than two people are running and no one wins a majority, then the person with the fewest votes is dropped from the ballot and votes are recast.
- The term of office runs from July 1st until June 30th.
- Removal: Officers may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the members.
Article IV: Meetings
- Meetings shall be held at least every month.
- Meetings shall be presided over by the presidents, unless they are absent, and in that case the treasurer shall preside. #If both the president and treasurer are absent, then the secretary shall preside over the meeting.
- All decisions shall be made by a majority vote of all members present.
- Quorum for a meeting shall be one quarter of the members of the organization.
- Members of the CGSC will meet on a yearly basis with the department chair.
Article V: Amendments
- Amendments shall be presented by any member of the organization.
- Amendments shall be passed by a two-thirds vote of the members present.
- Quorum for amending this constitution shall be one third of all members of the organization.
Article VI: Activities of CGSC
- The CGSC will be responsible for organizing the following
- An annual departmental picnic.
- At least one TGIF social per semester.
- At least one coffee hour per semester.
- An annual career panel series.
- An annual departmental volleyball league
- The CGSC will also participate in the following:
- Orientation for incoming chemistry graduate students
- Chemistry Department Visit Weekend
- Qualifying Exam Preparation sessions
Article VII: ASA Governance Clause
The CGSC agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the Association of Student Activities, and its executive board. This constitution, amendments to it, and the by-laws of this organization shall be subject to review by the ASA Executive Board to insure that they are in accordance with the aforementioned rules and regulations.